

Click on your profile avatar on the Dashboard to open your Portfolio page.

In the top banner on the portfolio page, the following details and features are available.

  • Your bio details: name, headline, location
  • Open to Work slider: Click the slider to show that you are actively looking for job opportunities.

  • Social details: Click on the plus icon to add the relevant links.
  • Leaderboard: View your points earned and your rank on the overall leaderboard.

  • Click the pencil icon to edit your bio details.
  • Click the share icon to receive a shareable link to your Portfolio page.

The other features in the Portfolio are:

  • Projects
  • Skills
  • Competitions
  • Education
  • Certificates
  • Experience
  • Recent Activities
  • Extra-curricular Activities
  • Resume
  • Video Resume
  • Explore Jobs: AI-powered job recommendations

Keep reading to learn more about these options.

Table of Contents

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    Let’s discuss your project, or together we will find a solution to the most difficult task